6-Loch Okarina Songbook – 46 Songs from Ireland & Great Britain


46 Songs from Ireland & Great Britain + Sounds + Downloads

Artikelnummer: 6OC06 Kategorien: , , Schlagwort:



Buch: ca. DIN A4, 88 Seiten
Online: MP3- Sounds der Lieder, div. Downloads
Nötige Vorkenntnisse: keine

Songliste:  A Highland Lad my love was born / Across the western Ocean / Arthur McBride / At the wave mouth / Auld Lang Syne / Barbara Allen (In scarlet town, where I was born) / Byker Hill / Ceol brutha – A Fairy plaint / Down by the Sally Gardens / Drunken sailor / Duan Nollaig – Christmas Duanag / Eileen Aroon / Farewell, Nancy / I never will marry / I’ll tell my ma / Loch Lomond / MacPherson’s Farewell / Marmaid Song / Molly Malone / My Bonnie lies over the ocean / Skye Boat Song / Spancil Hill / Spanish Lady / Spinningwheel Song / Sweet Carnloch Bay / Tam Glen / The Ash Grove / The Bantry Girls of Lament / The Castle of Dromore / The Croppy Boy / The Curragh of Kildare / The Earl of Moray / The Foggy Dew / The Highland Widow’s Lament / The Lark in the Clear Air / The leaving of Liverpool / The meeting of the Waters / The rising of the Moon / The Seagull of the Land-under-Waves / The Wellerman / There was a Lad was Born in Kyle / What can a young Lassie do / Whiskey in the Jar / Wild rover / Will ye go, Lassie? / Ye Banks and Braes

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