Want to play beautiful Hawaiian melodies on your ‚ukulele? Now you can! Learn to Play Slack Key Style ‚Ukulele is a comprehensive instruction into the art of playing great solo ‚ukulele…slack key style. Slack Key–Ho `alu–is a melodic, finger-picked guitar style created by Hawaiian paniolo in the mid-19th century, known as “Hawaiian soul music”. It is only natural that some ‚ukulele players in Hawaii would re-tune their instruments and play slack key style. Nothing sounds so sweet.
No matter if you are a dedicated beginner wanting to expand your playing or an advanced uke-a-banger looking for a new challenge, you will find music to delight your fingers and stimulate your ear. Learn to Play Slack Key Style ‚Ukulele is both a course of study and a collection of great solo arrangements that start out easy and increase in difficulty. Includes access to online audio.